Please take a few minutes to read more about the scope of my practice, your rights as a client and some limitations of my services & accessibility.

  • I work with adults over 21 who are interested in body based healing.

  • The following challenges and presentations are out my private practice scope to work with:

    • Active experience of suicidal/ homicidal ideations that require crisis support.

    • Active involvement in a DV relationship or attempts to leave a DV relationship.

    • Clients who are receiving support to establish safety immediately after leaving a DV relationship.

    • Significant levels of clinical dissociation that require clinical and in/outpatient intervention.

    • Clinical mental health disorders that require psychiatric or in/out patient support.

    • Court Mandated Therapy

    • Clients with Hospitalization Programs.

    • Intensive Outpatient Clients.

    • Medium to Severe grade injuries/clinical conditions that require to work solely with a Physiotherapist, Osteopath, Clinical Exercise Physiotherapist, other AHPs.

    • Substance use and addiction issues that require Medical Intervention

    • Eating Disorders that require in/outpatient intervention.

    If you are working with other practitioners to get treatments for these specific issues, considerations can be made for a referral.

    Trauma therapy is not the appropriate intervention for clients who are in current and ongoing unsafe or destabilizing environments. It can be counterproductive to healing and recovery. An appropriate referral can be made to the best of my ability.

    If you are a current client with the following concerns, our work would need to be paused until you are ready to resume.

    You are always welcome to contact me once you have received support to establish your foundational safety and are at capacity to do deeper work.

    Therapy from a somatic and body based approach is suitable for clients who are in safe environments looking to engage in processing past completed and unresolved traumas that are interrupting their capacity to engage with their current life meaningfully.

  • Psychotherapists, counselors or therapists are currently not eligible for Medicare Rebates. I currently do not take NDIS clients under NDIS packages. All payments are out of pocket.

  • You do not need a referral to work with me. You can simply self refer and schedule a first meeting to see if I am the right fit for you and jump on the waitlist.

    However I do accept referrals from all sources such as physios, GPs, osteopaths, etc- just not under Medicare or NDIS.

  • Like any first meeting, parts of you may feel awkward, nervous, apprehensive, anxious, exciting or scary. Your previous experiences or your current life situation may influence how you feel in trying therapy for the first time or with a new therapist. All parts and feelings of you are welcome!

    Bring along your apprehensions- they are an important and protective part of your life!

    The first session gives us an opportunity to get to know each other. You may want to spend some time getting to know how I work, what my approaches are, my credentials, why I practice body based therapy, how might body based interventions be helpful, how therapy unfolds, etc.

    All questions are welcome!

    I might spend some time getting to you, your history, your goals and expectations and your story. From there we can decide if we are a good fit and the best way forward.

    There may also be some simple forms to fill in the beginning.

  • Movement Assessment is a comprehensive assessment to learn the movement needs of your body.

    Primary movement patterns, joint function, mobility, joint stability, pain and injuries & posture are assessed.

    I take a thorough joint by joint approach using functional movement assessments and injury prevention screens to inform movement design. Movement plans are then made according to the assessment to help your body restore function, engage in safe and confident movement and optimize your strength.

  • The length and frequency of sessions or movement sessions will vary depending on your goals, needs, personal history, presenting issues, budget, availability, external supports and degree of change desired and possible at this time

    I do not lock in clients to commit to a certain duration or frequency of therapy. You are welcome to pause or stop your work with me anytime. However, I do encourage you to give therapy and movement reasonable time to start seeing its benefits.

    Body based therapies for trauma are phase oriented approaches typically phased as Safety, Stabilization, Resourcing and Integration. Depending on the degree of impact, trauma has had on you, it can take anywhere between 6-18 months ( sometimes longer) to develop safety and trust in therapeutic relationships, develop safety, stability and resources within your nervous system to increase its “Window of Tolerance” and increase base regulation.

    I suggest that you stay with the process until such a time- however we can always be flexible to work within your current capacities

  • I provide both in person sessions in Brisbane and secure online sessions via zoom. I also work with individuals outside Australia, and as such strive to realistically accommodate time zone differences.

  • Sessions are confidential and most things you share in session are protected by confidentiality clauses. All information collected is stored securely in encrypted and password protected case notes.

    Exceptions to confidentiality are guided by statutory and federal legislations in Australia as follows. I have a legal and ethical obligation to adhere to relevant reporting requirements under these legislations.

    • You disclose that you are at risk of harm from yourself or from another individual or group of individuals or others. You plan to harm yourself or others.

    • I have received a legal subpoena to release my notes or records.

    • A child or minor or a vulnerable adult at risk from you or others.

    Please note that under current legislation, I am obligated by law to report unreported disclosures of historical child sexual abuse/assault/rape from an adult or group of adults or from an institution.

    Please read liability , privacy & confidentiality disclosures for more information.

  • Local Brisbane/Australia Clients- 7 am and 6 pm via text message or email.

    Overseas clients- I am available to be contacted via email.

    I do not accept phone calls outside of business hours and typically take 48 hours to reply to messages and emails.

    Local Emergency Numbers are listed below for crisis or emergency support:

    • Police, Fire & Ambulance -000

    • LIfeline- 13 11 14

    • Blue Knot Helpline- 1300 657 280

    • Kids Helpline- 1800 55 1800

    • DV Hotline (QLD)- 1800 811 811

    • QLD Health- 13HEALTH- 13 432 584

    • Mental Health Access Line- 1300 MH CALL- 1300 642 255